the good coach

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10,000 km journey to change… my 23,000 km journey comes to an end - by Charlotte Murray

When I set out to do the CANADIVE Expedition, and this six-segment blog series, I had several plans and objectives. 1) do something good while doing something we love in our new country of residence 2) drive 10,000 km across Canada and mobilize local communities to clean up 99 sites while scuba diving, 3) take this time to transition from my corporate world and life to an independent be-my-own-boss life and blog about my journey.

So how did these pan out? 

Firstly, we did do something good while doing something we loved. We cleaned up 99 sites with local communities and divers, met some inspiring people, and got some amazing media coverage (see links below) including local newspapers, local and regional radio as well as regional TV. We created awareness beyond the diving community about a global issue that is important to us in a way that was positive, action-driven and locally relevant.

Secondly, we did drive 10,000km, and then another 10,000 km and then 3,000 km more. It’s more than double what was originally planned, and more than 50% of the earth’s circumference. Quite a journey, especially when living in a tent!

Thirdly, transitioning from the corporate to the independent life definitely happened. I am thankful to have had these blogs as a check point for me, and to have had this expedition as a full-time activity to make the transition. I’m posting this final blog on the anniversary of my last full day at my corporate job and three weeks after having completed the CANADIVE expedition. My ‘aha’ realization from my last blog post still remains true – my transition end date is just another check point. My transition is far from over because transition and change is fluid. But, my transition is taking me forward towards where I want to go, and I’m constantly learning along the way.

To close out my transition blog series, here are a few last points from me:

1)      Be prepared for changes in your journey – we planned for 10,000 km and it took us 23,000 km instead. We didn’t always take the most direct route or the fastest route,  but instead we took the route that was the most fulfilling, meaningful and right for us. We did arrive at our destination and our goal, but not necessarily the way we had planned. As long as you keep your goal in the forefront, you will reach it, irrespective of the route you take.

2)      Transition is a journey, and one to document for your own growth, and also for a little ego-boost. Having a check point – for me this blog – was helpful to reflect on what was happening in real-time, and to re-direct any misgivings, emotions or set-backs towards moving forward toward my goals. By having a check point, you can actually look back and see how much you have accomplished and how much you have learned (and you can feel a little bit proud too!)

3)      Don’t take yourself too seriously – transition is an attitude and an adventure. And I speak for myself – I can often be very serious – but seriousness can dampen the fun and also the potential opportunities and experiences that can come with a transition. Not everyone has the chance (or takes the chance) to make a change. Seek the chance, and take the chance to make a change and you might even enjoy it!

Over and out.


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