change - for reflections 2013 (wrap up)

"Change - for reflections" was our theme for June. We enjoyed sharing our blogs this month, and delighted to share our collective learning as we wrap up this month's theme.

Reflecting on change has brought out a lot of personal stories and observations from each of our coaches. Each offering their unique perspectives and the value of spending some quality ‘me’ time to count our blessings and prepare for future actions. Facing any transitions, whether in one’s career or personal life, it’s important to intentional frame your experience in a positive light; it will help you focus on and celebrate your strengths, and you'll likely be perceived as a desirable and resilient. However you choose to reflect - travelling, journalling, reviewing a day’s activity or walking in beautiful surroundings, we leave you with four key tips: prioritize, be intentional, remain flexible, and have fun! 

july's theme: change - for action

We are all just trying to get from A to B…by Nicholas Wai