the good coach

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Hang On Little Tomato - A Week in the Life of a Coach by Nicholas Wai

Image from: a week.  I have done so much this week that I don’t know how I fitted everything in.

Monday started quietly, as I usually like it so I can have some personal time to reflect and plan out the week. I knew I would have a busy week ahead so I especially cherish this ‘me’ time to ground myself and get myself ready. If you can afford it, I would definitely recommend scheduling some ‘me’ time just for yourself, as who would most benefit from some TLC (tender loving care)? Yourself of course!

However, the highlight of the day was actually the 2 calls I had with 2 of my fellow coaches. On the first one we exchanged notes on coaching young adults on study and work, while the second one was actually a mentor coaching call where I coached a more experienced coach on her coaching skills. I really enjoyed these conversations, as they were not only about supporting my fellow coaches, but also allowed us to check our knowledge and learn from talking things out.  You might ask how a more junior coach like me was able to coach a more senior coach, but actually that’s the beauty of coaching. As we are always on a learning journey as coaches and by acting as a mirror we are able to reflect back to each other how we are actually doing in terms of how well we are listening, questioning, reflecting, and creating insights.

On Tuesday I started the day by going to a talk on ‘Unveiling the Mystery of Innovation’ organized by the French Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. How is such event connected with coaching? It was a networking opportunity on the one hand, and on the other it helped me stay abreast with what’s happening in the business world where my clients inhabit and also the direction of where the future might be moving, something my clients would need to navigate in their role as executives in different organisations. Then in the evening I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong International Coaching Community, where I was elected the Treasurer of this professional organization whose objectives are to support coaches in their development and promote coaching in Hong Kong.  I am very honoured to be entrusted with this role and grateful that after four years on the board of the International Coach Federation Hong Kong Chapter I have the chance to continue serving and supporting the community that has given so much to me and one which I so much want to do well.

On Wednesday I had a meeting with the head of learning and development at a company that was looking for a coach for one of their senior executives, followed by calls with 2 training consultancies about possible collaboration projects. Looking back to the beginning of the year I was quite unsure about how this year would turn out, as being a freelancer you just don’t know when or where your next project will come but my experience has been that it all starts by knowing what you love to work on, getting yourself ready to do those work, and knowing a lot of people so they will remember you when they have a lead that needs someone like you to fill.

On Thursday I met up with a classmate from my Master in Organization Coaching course at the University of Sydney, who was visiting town to see clients. We exchanged notes on how things were with coaching in Australia verses Hong Kong and caught up on his research into adult development and coaching which I was extremely interested about. That evening I was supposed to be at a choir rehearsal, which I actually really enjoy as a way to bond with a group of people in sharing the experience in singing beautifully and also training up my voice for my line of work, notwithstanding the health benefits. Instead for this evening I went to a concert by the Theatre of Voices, who as a group was so beautiful in singing unaccompanied with voices that seemed to come up from high above. Experiencing how well they sang made me want to do a better job of my own…much work needed J.

And on Friday I had a follow-up meeting with another client of another consultancy about a workshop on situational leadership that I really appreciated as my colleague and I were given access to not just the potential participants but also their subordinates as well as the heads of the department and the HR, which normally would not be the case. Having this level of access would not only help us understand the issues better but also create a workshop that would better cater and support their objectives.

How was I able to sustain all these activities? Doing something that I love and really believe in definitely help, but I think the 15 minutes meditation I do every morning is also indispensable in helping me reboot and be ready for the day. Also, having at least 7 hours of sleep every night seems to do magic, although I must admit I sometimes skim on it L, and pay for it the next day. Finally, of course, a great cup of coffee (I'm a bit of a coffee one cannot avoid after living in Australia for a while). Now, while I am backstage as one of my favourite bands is playing this song from their second album as I file this, I can relax knowing that I have another rewarding week under my belt.

For you,

-        Are you spending any ‘me time’ and what would you like to do about it?

-        Do you have a learning buddy to help you learn more about yourself and think things through?

-        How are you keeping yourself updated with what’s happening in your clients’ world?