Book Review by Morton Patterson: "Translating Coaching Codes of Practice is a big book; it’s more like a reference book!”

Book Review by Morton Patterson: "Translating Coaching Codes of Practice is a big book; it’s more like a reference book!”

Translating Coaching Codes of Practice is a good reference book that I would look to dip into and say, "I wonder if a coach has experienced it and what do they say." 


Translating Coaching Codes of Practice is written from the perspectives of the practitioner who’s practicing in sharing their expertise. What I have found with many coaching books is that they like to share their model that they have been successful in; whereas the beauty of this book, which is what I really like about it, is it’s about real insights from the leading edges of everyday practitioners.

Codes of practices exist

The image supports the different backgrounds from each of the practitioners, and it really gets that message across of diversity and diversity of coaching approaches. The front cover has a real international scope with the iconic images of Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, and for me this reflected the different standards and the types of coaching that there is in this book. Then reading the title of the book, Translating Coaching Codes of Practice, it implied that this book would be looking to explore the many different codes and practice of coaches. And in this volume, each of the practitioners are beginning to translating their code because they are explaining what it means for them and their clients: their approach to coaching is being expanded on, it’s being explained, and it’s being expressed.

What I liked

The editor did a really good job in some of the chapter headings. For example, I think the chapter, “Creating engagement between the coach and the clients is very relevant. Similarly when I think about “Creating and maintaining the quality of attention”, the beauty of that heading was not only creating, because you can create and maintain a quality of attention for a couple of minutes, but how the hell do you maintain it during the session? 

Another chapter I enjoyed was chapter nine, “Identifying the competitive edges - Coaching as a profession which I think it’s really relevant.  It moves into the whole issue around regulation; coaching is not regulated as other professions e.g. accounting or engineering. With no disrespect, some people do just fall out of bed and say they’re a coach tomorrow because they’ve attended a seven-day course. And another worrying aspects that I’ve received, particularly after signing up to a UK coaching professional body, they might send you some media one day and then the next thing you might receive in the post is a certificate. This happened to me and I’m thinking, “I haven’t done anything…why am I receiving a certificate?” and as one of the articles points out “It’s a bit messy” is true.

Translating Coaching Codes of Practice is a book that I’d keep on my shelf, and when the good coach digests comes in I'll have a look at the heading to see if it's relevant and does it relate to me. It’s one of my ways of keeping up-to-date and in touch with the field and market. 

To connect with Morton:

Morton Patterson (BA Hons, NLP Prac) is a practicing coach, business consultant and facilitator. He specialises  in helping clients to know their value and package their services  He writes about knowing your value, and the importance of having a strong sense of awareness and confidence in your own value, as this shows up in your relationships, the fees you charge and how you conduct yourself. He works with small business owners in the UK and internationally.


Morton is gifted in his calm open manner and ability to support clients with practical strategies that can be applied. He is a first class communicator, and an experienced presenter with an engaging and inspirational style.

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