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(Executive) Coaching in India: Coach supply readiness at key stages of experiences (Part II) by Bimal Rath

These are my learnings over the last several years being a coach myself, and engaging in conversations with other coaches. In part 2 of the series on "Executive Coaching in India", I discuss the wide range and variety of coaches in the market and a simple generalisation presented here could help in directing action from coaches, buyers and users of coaching. And for aspiring coaches, early inroads towards success can be varied. Certification is just a start and to really become a paid professional coach requires a lot more than that. Many aspiring coaches feel they do not get enough return on their investment, including of their time and hard work.

Executive Coaching in India: Market overview and 'Readiness for Coaching' in India (Part 1) by Bimal Rath

These are my learnings over the last several years being a coach myself, and engaging in conversations with other coaches. In part 1 of the series on "Executive Coaching in India", I discuss some broad issues regarding coaching in India. There are many other discussion points but these initial ones are some of the core ones. As well as the readiness of leaders for coaching is an issue that comes up for debate often. Apart from the coachee herself, the coach and the organisation may both be part of the solution, and the problem.